38 Years Legacy of velammal

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      We at Velammal

      We are the best School

      What makes our campus stand unique in the crowd as the best NEET Coaching Centre in Pondicherry?

      At Velammal we possess a wide Campus fostered for the growth and development of students and also for their physical growth.

      Here are some of the best facilities we provide:

      Smart Classrooms

      Our modern and well-equipped classrooms provide the perfect environment for interactive and effective learning

      Library Resources

      Our extensive library is stocked with a vast collection of books, journals, and study materials to support students in their academic endeavors


      We offer advanced laboratories for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, ensuring hands-on experience and practical knowledge.

      Technology rich Infrastructure

      Our campus is equipped with cutting-edge technology, including smart classrooms and high-speed internet access, to aid in the learning process..

      Sports and Recreation

      We believe in the holistic development of our students. Velammal offers sports facilities, including a well-maintained playground and sports equipment for physical fitness and recreation.


      A spacious and hygienic canteen provides a variety of nutritious food options to keep our students energized and healthy.


      We offer safe and reliable transportation services to ensure students have easy access to our campus.

      Extracurricular Activities

      Beyond academics, we encourage students to explore their interests and talents through clubs, societies, and cultural events.

      Mentorship and Counseling

      Our experienced mentors and counselors provide guidance and support to students, helping them navigate their academic and personal challenges.


      The safety and security of our students are paramount. We have a well-monitored campus and a dedicated security team.

      What distinguishes Velammal as the premier NEET coaching centre in Pondicherry?


      Velammal’s Success by being the best NEET coaching centre in Pondicherry, our proven track record

      Join us on a transformative journey, where academic brilliance and personal growth converge.

      From modest beginnings to becoming accomplished champions, we render an educational environment where young minds can achieve real-world success beyond their wildest challenges.
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